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Description: php扩展模块Delphi组件,支持php 5.0.4扩展模块,次组建包在Delphi 7.0中编译已通过-php extension Delphi components, php 5.0.4 extension, sub-form packets in Delphi 7.0 compiler has passed
Platform: | Size: 2236065 | Author: wmyao | Hits:

[Other resourceOReilly.PHP.Cookbook.2nd.Edition.Aug.2006

Description: PHP Cookbook has a wealth of solutions for problems that you ll face regularly. With topics that range from beginner questions to advanced web programming techniques, this guide contains practical examples -- or \"recipes\" -- for anyone who uses this scripting language to generate dynamic web content. Updated for PHP 5, this book provides solutions that explain how to use the new language features in detail, including the vastly improved object-oriented capabilities and the new PDO data access extension. New sections on classes and objects are included, along with new material on processing XML, building web services with PHP, and working with SOAP/REST architectures. With each recipe, the authors include a discussion that explains the logic and concepts underlying the solution.
Platform: | Size: 1438157 | Author: awake | Hits:


Description: php扩展模块Delphi组件,支持php 5.0.4扩展模块,次组建包在Delphi 7.0中编译已通过-php extension Delphi components, php 5.0.4 extension, sub-form packets in Delphi 7.0 compiler has passed
Platform: | Size: 2235392 | Author: wmyao | Hits:

[Web ServerXOOPS22HACK

Description: XOOPS - eXtensible Object Oriented Portal System, 面向对象的可扩展门户系统 XOOPS 是开源社区一款优秀的内容管理系统,安全、稳定、可靠,群组权限管理完善,对多语言特别是中文支持完美。对终端用户而言,系统功能模块化,界面设计模板化,安装使用管理简洁明了。同时XOOPS 结构设计合理,代码规范,是开发员理想的选择,被广泛用于个人网站、社区交流、企业管理以及各类中小型门户系统。 XOOPS 框架稳定灵活,适应于web2.0 的各类功能的开发与集成,目前已经实现各类 RSS/ATOM 资源管理,集成 WordPress 等著名blog系统和各类wiki管理系统,并实现与 Flickr, Delicious, Technorati 等社会资源的互动。 -XOOPS- eXtensible Object Oriented Portal System, Object-oriented extension of portal system is the open source community XOOPS one outstanding content management systems, security, stability, reliable, well-managed group privileges, and more particularly the Chinese language support perfect. For end users, the modular system functions, interface design templates, installation management succinct and clear. While XOOPS reasonable structural design, code specification, developers ideal choice, are widely used in personal websites. community exchanges, enterprise management, and small and medium portal system. XOOPS stability framework flexible and adapt to build what the function of various development and integration, and now achieving various RSS/ATOM resources management, integrated Wo
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: 谭诚 | Hits:


Description: 功能列表 - 理论上可以上传无限大的文件 - 实时显示上传状态、进度 - 支持多文件上传以及与表单混合上传 - 方便的用户调用接口 - 兼容不同浏览器 - ... 注意: 1. UPU需要php4.3.0及其以上版本,并打开socket扩展 2. upu/temp为上传临时文件存放目录, upu/files为文件存放目录,这两个目录可以在 upu.class.php中指定。 3. 你的<form>中要有enctype="multipart/form-data"这个属性,action为文件上传成功后 的处理页面,也就是说你的<form>完全按照正常的思路来写就可以了,唯一不同的是需 要加入onsubmit="return upuInit(this)" 4. 上传成功后,可以使用$_POST来获取表单数据,如果是普通表单,直接 $_POST[ 表单名称 ]即可获得其值,如果是一个文件,则返回这样一个数组 $_POST[ 表单名字 ] = Array ( [filename] => [clientpath] => [savepath] => [filetype] => [filesize] => [extension] => ) -function list-theoretically unlimited upload large files-real-time display upload state, progress-support multi-file upload form and mixed with upload-called user-friendly interface-compatible with a variety of browsers- .. . Note : 1. UPU need php4.3.0 and above. and open the socket extension 2. Approved/temp to store temporary files upload directory, Approved/files for document storage directory, This directory can be in two upu.class.php designated. 3. You
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: kuang | Hits:

[WEB CodePDFlib-7.0.1p1-MSWin32-php

Description: 这是一个php的扩展pdf的使用例子程序,看了以后你会对这个扩展熟练掌握。-This is a php extension pdf examples of the use of procedures, you will after seeing this expand master.
Platform: | Size: 7814144 | Author: linjing | Hits:


Description: 使PHP直接支持sqlite3数据库操作的扩展DLL,不需要通过php_pdo -Make PHP database operations directly support the sqlite3 extension DLL, does not require the adoption of php_pdo
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 赵磊 | Hits:

[Web Serveraspell-0.60.5.tar

Description: PHP扩展程序。APC部分的源码,增加PHP的内存缓存功能,能为服务器提高性能。-PHP extension. APC part of the source, increase the memory cache PHP function, can improve the performance of the server.
Platform: | Size: 1755136 | Author: barry | Hits:


Description: php扩展编程,写给初学者,开发环境是linux+PHP+ apache-php extension of programming, written for beginners, development environment is linux PHP apache
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: sun | Hits:


Description: PHP Cookbook has a wealth of solutions for problems that you ll face regularly. With topics that range from beginner questions to advanced web programming techniques, this guide contains practical examples -- or "recipes" -- for anyone who uses this scripting language to generate dynamic web content. Updated for PHP 5, this book provides solutions that explain how to use the new language features in detail, including the vastly improved object-oriented capabilities and the new PDO data access extension. New sections on classes and objects are included, along with new material on processing XML, building web services with PHP, and working with SOAP/REST architectures. With each recipe, the authors include a discussion that explains the logic and concepts underlying the solution.-PHP Cookbook has a wealth of solutions for problems that you ll face regularly. With topics that range from beginner questions to advanced web programming techniques, this guide contains practical examples-- or "recipes"-- for anyone who uses this scripting language to generate dynamic web content. Updated for PHP 5, this book provides solutions that explain how to use the new language features in detail, including the vastly improved object-oriented capabilities and the new PDO data access extension. New sections on classes and objects are included, along with new material on processing XML, building web services with PHP, and working with SOAP/REST architectures. With each recipe, the authors include a discussion that explains the logic and concepts underlying the solution.
Platform: | Size: 1437696 | Author: awake | Hits:


Description: 非常优秀的PHP扩展模板,可以方便程序员将编程化烦为简-PHP excellent extension of the template, to facilitate programming and programmers will be annoying for Jane
Platform: | Size: 200704 | Author: 1 | Hits:


Description: DiY-Page = 论坛门户 + 简易CMS + 自动采集 一个论坛就可建站,没有论坛也能建站,海量内容瞬间采入。 支持 Discuz / PHPWind 论坛程序的所有主流版本 清爽美观的前台模板风格 独创的 设计视窗(TM) 技术,在线可视化设计,轻松定制您的网站 完善的HTML生成功能,有效降低服务器负担 显著增加搜索引擎收录量,用户网站有收录过百万的纪录 业界领先的自动采集功能,实现网站内容无忧更新 完全开放源代码,可以免费下载和使用,只有不到1MB CMS特点 ◎ 不到1M的超小体积 ◎ 完整的CMS元素,万能模型/无限频道/子目录/字段扩展/标签等 ◎ 支持UC整合,一个账号全站通用 ◎ 主流论坛数据调用,帖子生成静态 ◎ 调用UCHome的日志、相册、空间、群组等 ◎ 模板可视化在线修改 ◎ 自动采集,内容更新无忧-DiY-Page = Forum Simple CMS+ Portal+ Automatic Collection Can be a forum for website construction, there is no forum can also website construction, mining rich content into an instant. Support Discuz/PHPWind process with all major versions of the Forum Fresh beautiful template style front Original design of Windows (TM) technology, online visual design, easy to customize your Web site Improved HTML generation function, effectively reduce the burden on the server Included a significant increase in the amount of search engine users site contains records of more than a million Industry-leading automatic capture function, to achieve worry-free update website content Completely open source, you can free download and use, less than 1MB CMS Features ◎ ultra-small size less than 1M ◎ CMS elements of a complete, universal model/Unlimited channel/subdirectory/field extension/labeling ◎ Support UC integration of a full-stop general account ◎ mainstream fo
Platform: | Size: 535552 | Author: 魏旭林 | Hits:


Description: curl的作用:curl是一个利用URL语法在命令行方式下工作的文件传输工具。 它支持很多协议:FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, GOPHER, TELNET, DICT, FILE 以及 LDAP。curl同样支持HTTPS认证,HTTP POST方法, HTTP PUT方法, FTP上传, kerberos认证, HTTP上传, 代理服务器, cookies, 用户名/密码认证, 下载文件断点续传,上载文件断点续传, http代理服务器管道( proxy tunneling), 甚至它还支持IPv6, socks5代理服务器, 通过http代理服务器上传文件到FTP服务器等等,功能十分强大。原来php默认并不进行此项功能的扩展,但还是有的,只是没有让它生效罢了。打开PHP安装目录,搜索以下三个文件 ssleay32.dll、libeay32.dll和 php_curl.dll, 一一拷贝到系统目录下的system32文件夹下,修改php.ini文件,找到 extension= php_curl.dll行,去掉前面的 号,保存,重启服务器 -php
Platform: | Size: 2869248 | Author: zhu | Hits:

[File FormatC_php-extensions

Description: PHP扩展模块,如何让你使用C C++进行扩展PHP原生功能不支持扩展!-Extension PHP module, to let you use the C C++ to extend PHP function does not support native extensions!
Platform: | Size: 777216 | Author: 小生 | Hits:

[WEB CodePHP_Extension_Development_Interface_Tutorial

Description: PHP扩展开发接口教程PHP Extension Development Interface Tutorial-PHP Extension Development Interface Tutorial PHP Extension Development Interface Tutorial
Platform: | Size: 4476928 | Author: un | Hits:

[WEB Codemod_tringme15

Description: Joomal Extension of module allows you to use the services offered by TringMe. It can be used as a help desk or Live contact. Configurable Voice Mail or Phone Call. Requires an account on TringMe.com Version for joomla 1.5.x Demo: http://www.naplesportshoreexcursion.com/-Joomal Extension of module allows you to use the services offered by TringMe. It can be used as a help desk or Live contact. Configurable Voice Mail or Phone Call. Requires an account on TringMe.com Version for joomla 1.5.x Demo: http://www.naplesportshoreexcursion.com/
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: yingping | Hits:


Description: 在php扩展中封装了一个类,主要是想将c的结构体转换成php的一个类,利用php的类操作,修改c的结构的成员-Php extension encapsulates a class would like to convert the structure of the c php of a class using php class action, to modify the structure of the c members
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: chen | Hits:


Description: 详细讲解了PHP扩展开发API封装框架 PHP-X的使用(Explain in detail the use of PHP extension development API encapsulation framework PHP-X)
Platform: | Size: 3985408 | Author: jssuoyi | Hits:

[Other美仑PHP授权系统v1.8 20171221版本

Description: 程序首次安装-把程序上传到网站根目录 浏览器访问 http://域名/install/ 进行安装即可。 程序不断在更新,下一个版本会更新在线升级功能,方便客户在线升级更新! 已经授权的客户请自行在线更新升级至最新版本! 如果更新了到最新版本功能没有显示的话,请清空一下\data\lib\templates_c 1.7版本 支持api视频接口授权,可以设置到期时间!(Please install the sg11 script encryption component by yourself Pagoda installation method Software management - - select PHP version - click Settings - install extension - select (sg11 script encryption) click Install First installation of the program - upload the program to the root directory of the web site The browser access the http://www.xxx.com/install/ for installation. The program is constantly updated, the next version will update the online upgrade function to facilitate the update of customers online! Authorized customers are requested to update and upgrade themselves online to the latest version. If the update to the latest version is not displayed, please empty the \data\lib\templates_c 1.7 version support API video interface authorization, can set expiration time!)
Platform: | Size: 11936768 | Author: 美仑科技 | Hits:


Description: PHP is the most popular sever-side scripting language in web development, powering an estimated 78.9% of all websites. It was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995, and the name was originally an acronym of "Personal Home Page (Tools)", although now it's better known for the recursive acronym "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor". The language is managed, monitored, and developed by a group of developers known as The PHP Group, which continues to distribute the scripting language for free through the official PHP website1. PHP code is most commonly interpreted, processed, and rendered using a web server with a PHP processor module installed, allowing PHP to be embedded within HTML markup in files with the .php extension. In addition, PHP can be deployed on almost every operating system and platform for free, with Linux-based systems being the most popular choice.
Platform: | Size: 5575596 | Author: NewMat | Hits:
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